Friday, 23 March 2012

George's First Steps

Another post here about George Palmer, the wonderful little boy who needs your help so he can undergo a life changing operation in the U.S.

Please help George's parents to raise the money they need to get George to America and have his operation.

To do this they need to find £55,000.

So far £16,940.43 has been raised

The money raised is to pay for:
Flights to America
1 month stay
All the surgery costs
After care/physio for 3 weeks after the operation in America
2 years therapy for after surgery which they have to commit to (this includes the Footsteps Therapy that George has each year)

To read George's amazing story visit his website at George's First Steps

Not everyone can afford to give a lot but just a little will still help to get one step closer to the target.
Let friends and family know and ask if they would kindly donate to this very worthy cause.

Donate today

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